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Paperback, 148 pages

Price: £7.00

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Abraham and His Seed

Authors: William Henry, Michael and Sylvia Penny

Product code: B529

This book traces the Lord`s dealings with Abraham and his seed throughout the Old and New Testaments and considers whether God is still dealing with the seed of Abraham today.

In Genesis 12, we read of God`s covenant promise to Abraham to make him a great nation, to bless him and to bless all people on earth through him. As we progress through Genesis, this covenant was confirmed with Abraham and with his immediate seed, Isaac and Jacob. Later, further promises were made to his subsequent seed, the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
How were these promises to be implemented as the seed of Abraham grew into a nation - a nation that largely failed to follow the Lord faithfully as their father Abraham had done? What does the rest of the Old Testament have to say about the seed of Abraham? Was there any change in the New Testament? Where do those who are not the physical seed of Abraham (i.e. Gentiles) fit into all this?

About the Authors

William Henry

William Henry was born in Glasgow in 1949. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant and worked in the accountancy profession for a number of years before moving into academia. At present he is working as an education consultant. He lives in Giffnock with his wife and two daughters. He has written two books with Michael Penny, `Following Philippians` and `The Will of God: Past and Present`, which are available both as books and eBooks.

Michael and Sylvia Penny

SYLVIA PENNY was born in Bexleyheath, Kent, in 1956. She was educated at Basingstoke High School and Queen Mary s College, before studying accountancy at Oxford Polytechnic. She qualified as a Chartered Accountant and practised in the profession for a number of years, until she went to live in the USA with her husband and was a pastor s wife, taking an active role in the church. On returning to Britain she went back to the accountancy profession. Other publications by Sylvia Penny include the books Salvation! Safe and Secure?, Introducing God s Plan (written with Michael Penny) and Woman to Woman, a collection of articles for women by women, which she collated and edited. All are available as both books and eBooks. MICHAEL PENNY was born in Ebbw Vale, Gwent, Wales in 1943. He read Mathematics at the University of Reading. He has been Director of Mathematics and Business Studies at Queen Mary s College, Pastor of Grace Church in New Berlin (Wisconsin, USA) and at present is editor and administrator of the Open Bible Trust. He has written several books, details of which can be seen on the website of The Open Bible Trust. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.