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Streams of Blessing

Streams of Blessing

is designed for assistance to flow In from the Nations and Out to the Needy.

"There is a place whose streams make glad the City of our God." (Psalm 46:4)

Project Streams of Blessing ministers to Jewish people coming from many different walks of life each and every day. We are touching lives of new immigrants, widows, orphans, and one-parent families as well as the poorest of the poor - often forced to live on the streets. We also help those who come to our doors who do not come under the guidelines of other outreach projects within CFI. Many Jewish people have asked, "Should we receive help from Christians?" They carry memories of many years of persecution by those who called themselves "Christians."

By supporting Streams of Blessing you will help us change historically polluted streams of prejudice, arrogance, apathy and pride into life-giving streams for the Jewish State and for the many Jewish people who live in the Land and are returning from the nations with great needs. Will you help us be the life giving stream to those who are in a place of desperation in Israel today? May immeasurable Streams of Blessing flow from the Heart of God to His people so that together we will become Streams of Blessing to the Nation of Israel!

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Using Gift Aid means that for every £1 you give, we receive an extra 25p at no extra cost to you
I am a UK tax payer and I would like you to reclaim tax on this donation and any donations I have made in the past four years and all future donations

Please note: You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax equal to the tax we reclaim on your donation.

To give by cheque, (UK only) please make cheques payable to CFI Charitable Trust, and send to CFI, PO BOX 2687, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LZ. Please note that we can only process cheques in pounds sterling.