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Under His Wings

Under His Wings

Project Under His Wings exists to reach out to terror and trauma victims with comfort and compassion through one-on-one visitations and various practical and financial gifts.

Christian Friends of Israel desires to be a "light in the darkness" to many lives in Israel – lives where people have had their families forever torn apart and where surviving victims are often scarred physically and emotionally for the rest of their lives. These people are often in the news media for a day or two, but months and years later they are often forgotten among the general population. Living with the memories of those horrible and tragic moments, they are depressed, emotionally distraught and feeling forgotten.

Visiting two victims of an attack

Why do so many Israelis end their every day telephone conversations with the words, "I love you?" Because activities which are considered normal elsewhere in the civilized world, like getting on a bus, or having a cup of coffee with a friend in a cafe, even walking down the street can be could, in Israel, be a fatal activity.

Civilians never know where a suicide bomber may strike next. The new threat in recent years also includes constant rocket attacks on town not just in the Southern part of Israel near the Gaza but some in the North of Israel too. People that have been wounded and traumatized hav been seen by UHW. The face of terror has changed for now ... shooting of kassam rockets have been traumatizing communities for many years. This is the constant threat to Jewish people today.

Between the years of 2000 to 2006 there were 1,290 people murdered in Israel by Palestinian terrorists (160 murdered the summer of 2006 alone). Over 6,000 were maimed and/or severely wounded. This is only statistics from the intifada period and not even mentioning the rocket trauma that disrupts daily lives in these communities!

Where does CFI come in?

Following a terrorist attack (as well as kassam attack-if it is publisized) there is usually an initial outpouring of help from the community and government, but after a few months to a year... people "forget." But grief, trauma, and pain do not go away quickly. Two, three, five, even ten years later victims and their families are often still coping with the aftermath: on-going medical and psychological problems, loss of body parts, ended careers, financial ruin, and coping with grief/fears/nightmares.

CFI Volunteers in the Under His Wings program visit with the victims at these times, compassionately "listening" and acknowledging their continuing pain, bringing love gifts and financial help from Christians in the Nations, conveying the message,



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To give by cheque, (UK only) please make cheques payable to CFI Charitable Trust, and send to CFI, PO BOX 2687, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LZ. Please note that we can only process cheques in pounds sterling.