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Hope For The Future

Hope For The Future

Reaching out to the Ethiopian Jewish Community in the Land of Israel.

"For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help." (Psalm 72: 12)

Ethiopian immigrants, numbering more than 110,000, face many difficulties adjusting to Israeli society. With the help of Christians around the world, CFI is able to provide financial and practical assistance to needy Ethiopian families, many of whom are unable to meet even the basic needs of their children and households.

Project montage

Project Hope for the Future is involved in helping needy Ethiopian families in a number of ways, such as:

  • Family sponsorships - families are sponsored monthly by individuals, families, prayer groups and congregations to help them pay their bills or buy food
  • Food vouchers - coupons to buy food
  • Education - school fees and tuition for children and adults; after-school tutoring programmes
  • Financial needs - utility bills, tax bills
  • Clothing - new and good used clothing, as well as shoes
  • Home furnishings - refrigerators, cooking stoves, washing machines, beds and wardrobes
  • Baby bundles - baby clothing, baby blankets and baby products for new mothers
  • School supplies - backpacks and school supplies for children
  • Renovations - work teams to repair and paint homes
  • Gift bags - toiletries and holiday treats for the children

FINANCES - Obviously financial help is greatly needed so we can provide tangible gifts and encouragement to needy Ethiopian families here in Israel. All cheques should be made payable to: "Christian Friends of Israel," and designated "Project Hope for the Future".

Project Hope for the Future appreciates your ongoing support.

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Using Gift Aid means that for every £1 you give, we receive an extra 25p at no extra cost to you
I am a UK tax payer and I would like you to reclaim tax on this donation and any donations I have made in the past four years and all future donations

Please note: You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax equal to the tax we reclaim on your donation.

To give by cheque, (UK only) please make cheques payable to CFI Charitable Trust, and send to CFI, PO BOX 2687, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LZ. Please note that we can only process cheques in pounds sterling.