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Bead Chaim

Israel pro-life work
Be'ad Chaim is an Israeli nonprofit association dedicated to the protection of the unborn child and its mother. A national organization with offices and hotlines throughout Israel. All women are eligible for our assistance, regardless of nationality or religious beliefs.
Their services fall into three categories: Education, Counseling, and Tangible/Practical Help.
Education of the public, with emphasis on youth and women, on issues that affect reproductive health, consequences of abortion, sanctity of life, sex outside of marriage, and related subjects.
- Distribution of books and pamphlets
- Publication 3 to 4 times per year of a family-issues magazine, Beynenu (Between Us)
- Free distribution of a short DVD entitled “Window into the Womb,” as seen in ultrasound imagery
- A Hebrew web site that contains a wealth of information on the subjects of pregnancy, abortion, etc.
- Two annual, well-attended youth conferences (one for girls and one for boys) on the dangers of free sex outside of marriage
- Several organized gatherings and speaking engagements throughout Israel on Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS)
Counseling of pregnant women as well as those who have undergone abortions.
- Free confidential counseling available at their offices throughout Israel
- Multi-lingual counselors that provide service nearly 24 hours a day in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, and English
- Counselors undergo training to enable them to provide accurate information on abortion practices in Israel, the effects of abortion on women, birth control, and abstinence
- Counselors are also available to support mothers throughout their pregnancies and beyond by accompanying them to doctor’s appointments, by providing on-going emotional support, and by guiding them on how to obtain practical help
Tangible/Practical Help is available to expectant and new mothers as-requested, at no charge, and based upon need.
- Operation Moses supplies women in crisis with all they need for the first year of their child's life. This includes a baby stroller, crib, changing table and bath, along with monthly supplies of diapers, formula and other baby products.
- Coaching on natal nutrition, stages of pregnancy, fetal development, etc.
- Ultrasound imaging to confirm pregnancy, subject to liability-release
- Alternative housing during pregnancy
- Support during delivery, including hospital visitation (if requested)
Can you help?
To give by cheque, (UK only) please make cheques payable to CFI Charitable Trust, and send to CFI, PO BOX 2687, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LZ. Please note that we can only process cheques in pounds sterling.