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32 pages

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Crimes Against Humanity

Author: David Soakell

Product code: BT99

A gathering of written works originally set to music, which try to reflect something of the horror of the Holocaust and beyond.

The author writes in the introduction:

"I have tried to probe the minds of victims who experienced this and to look through their eyes at a time of history which should never be forgotten - yet which continues even today.
I realise that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to bring to life the real horrors that those people experienced physically, mentally and spiritually, but hope this work is at least thought-provoking.
My heart`s desire is that, from any aspect of this work, even one person`s conscience might be awakened to the evils that continue to face mankind today, and that that reality would show itself in a more compassionate and tolerant society, bringing peace and God`s love into our world of much need."

Note: A royalty from the sale of this publication will aid survivors of the Holocaust through Christian Friends of Israel`s project `Forsake Them Not`.

About the Author

David Soakell

David Soakell has been with Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) since 1986, an Area Representative since 1995, and full-time with this ministry since 2001. Apart from his role as CFI-UK Church Liaison Officer, David is also part of the Communications Department, writing the weekly CFI News Reports (Watching over Zion) for a worldwide audience.

As a young Believer in the 1980`s, David spent time with the Russian Underground Churches smuggling Bibles into what was then the Soviet Union, and later spent three years with Romanian Children`s Aid: helping children with AIDS in a Romanian Hospice. Since 1995 he has been working with CFI-UK, what he and his family believe is God`s calling on their lives, to work and help the people of Israel, along with edifying the Church.