Flyers and Forms

Annual Conference 2024 brochure
Here is the brochure for our annual conference, title `Jesus and the land of Israel`

CFI Privacy Policy
A description of the way CFI UK keeps and processes personal information, last updated on 29th May 2018.

ENHANCE 219 Resources
Here is a copy of the Resources page from our latest ENHANCE magazine with links to our online shop.

Enhance Magazine Response Form
Here is the form related to the 2nd Quarter 2024 Enhance magazine, with fields to order the resources described in it.

Notes to go with CRE Seminar October 2022
These brief notes are the ones mentioned at our CRE seminar on biblical prophecy, 11th October 2022.

Why Christian Friends of Israel?
Our summary leaflet presenting key reasons for being Christian friends of Israel, along with relevant Bible quotes.