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PAL, 184 minutes

Price: £14.00

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Forsaken Promise, The (DVD)

Author: Hugh Kitson

Product code: D19

CBC `GOLD AWARD` WINNER. Highlights the tragic events that took place to the Jewish people during the British Mandate period, mainly through the testimonies of those who were victims, participants, or eye-witnesses to them.

They speak of Britain’s political expediency and treachery towards the Jewish people in appeasing the militant Arab nationalist movement, as well as causing the wholesale misery of many thousands of Jewish people who were turned away from the shores of Palestine in the 1930s and 40s.

Through the 1939 White Paper the British government also made inevitable the deaths of an untold number of Jews who could have escaped Hitler’s Final Solution, had they been able to find refuge in their ancient homeland.

This 3-part DVD documentary from the Hatikvah Film Trust deals with the events following those documented in its award-winning prequel The Destiny of Britain.

Main feature running time 184 minutes, abridged version 40 minutes, epilogue 13 minutes.

About the Author

Hugh Kitson

Has been making documentaries for the film and TV industry for over thirty years. His favourite location is Israel, where he has produced several films. He is the founder of the Hatikvah Film Trust which promotes the advancement of the Christian faith and of Biblical prophecy through the production of documentary films, television and audio-visual programmes.

At the same time it aims to foster an understanding in the Church of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith as well as the place of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, from both a Biblical and historical perspective, in the purposes of God.