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From Passover to Easter
Studies on the Feasts Volume I
Author: Derek White
Product code: BT25
Part of a study series which helps individuals or groups explore the Biblical Feasts in the light of their New Covenant fulfilment. Discover how Easter is actually a fulfilment of Passover - both in its timing and meaning.
Many Christians regard Easter as a purely Christian invention, while other believers may get tied up with its pagan associations and reject it altogether. Both these perspectives are wrong.
This study looks for answers to such questions as:
- Where did Easter come from?
- Why is it held at this time of year?
- Where in the Bible are we told to celebrate it?
- Has it any connection with the Old Testament?
About the Author
Derek White
Worked as a chemist/analyst in the chemical industry for 25 years before entering pastoral ministry in a local church in Surrey. After being the UK director of the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem from 1981 to 1985 he went on to help found Christian Friends of Israel in December 1985, and he served as the Director of CFI-UK until the end of May 2001. He visited Israel over 50 times in connection with the work of CFI, and since his retirement continues to visit the Land on a regular basis to meet with and encourage Believers in Yeshua/Jesus across all sections of Israel`s population. He is a prolific writer on issues relating to Israel and the Hebraic roots of Christianity.