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Go Through the Gates (CD)
Author: Barry and Batya Segal
Product code: MC21
An invitation for you to enter the City of God, and be drawn into the presence of the Prince of Peace, for such a time as this. The Word of God is proclaimed in both English and Hebrew mixing ancient ethnic Israeli sounds with modern world music.
Track Listing
- On Your Walls O Jerusalem
- Ve`Ahavta (Thou Shalt Love)
- Go Through the Gates
- Shabechi Yerushalayim (Praise God O Jerusalem)
- We Delight In Your Shabbat
- Shimcha Kadosh (O Holy One)
- Hashmieni (Let Me Hear)
- Sos Asis (Rejoice Greatly)
- Hoshia Et Amecha (Save Your People)
- Hashomer (He Who Keeps)
- In The Latter Days
- Ma Navu (How Beautiful)
About the Author
Barry and Batya Segal
Barry & Batya bring a rich harmony of Scripture and song to the listener through Messianic praise & worship. With strong ties in both the nations and Jerusalem, they weave the deepest roots of our biblical heritage together with the fresh Spirit-filled worship of today.