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Holy! Holy! Holy! (CD)
The Dimensions And Demands Of The Holy
Author: Dwight Pryor
Product code: CDS12
What really is the holiness of God? How can we respond in radical amazement to an utterly awesome & holy God? "Know before whom you stand" says Dwight in this prophetically powerful study that will revitalize your relationship with the Holy One of Israel
- The Dimensions of the Holy (60 minutes)
- The Demands of the Holy (58 minutes)
Residents outside of the UK and Europe can purchase Dwight Pryor`s resources at
About the Author
Dwight Pryor
(1945-2011) Founder of the Center for Judaic-Christian Studies in Dayton, Ohio. He was also a founding board member of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research in Israel. While studying in the Land, he came to realise the critical importance of understanding Christianity's Hebraic origins and dimensions and worked with both Christian and Jewish scholars there researching the backgrounds to the life and teachings of Yeshua Mi Natzeret, (Jesus of Nazareth) the Jewish Messiah.
As one of the most widely acclaimed teachers on the subject, for over 25 years Dwight and his wife Keren travelled world wide with their teaching and preaching ministry, seeking to make available to the Church an ever-growing wealth of study materials.
Their main aim was to equip believers for a fruitful life of participation in the purposes of God by learning how to think biblically. With this in mind they created a way for disciples, serious about understanding the Bible and yearning to get back to the Jewish/Hebraic foundations of their faith, to benefit from the teaching ministry of Dwight on an ongoing basis.