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In Covenant With Jesus
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Author: Kelvin Crombie
Product code: B447
Using the experience of 25 years in Israel and a knowledge of Hebrew texts, this richly illustrates the meaning and significance of the eternal covenant that Jesus the Jewish Messiah has effected for mankind to enter into relationship with God our Father.
The content is inspiring, in an easy to read style and faces the issues of Replacement Theology as well as the challenge of the Covenant relationship believers have through our Lord Jesus Christ.
This chronologically develops important theology about covenants which is foundational to our understanding and is invaluable for all believers or enquirers seeking the truth.
About the Author
Kelvin Crombie
Kelvin and Lexie Crombie lived in Israel for nearly twenty-five years, and their four daughters, Orit, Nirel, Talia and Abigail were all born there.
Kelvin was based at Christ Church in the Old City of Jerusalem. He developed an intimate and profound knowledge about the history of the restoration of Israel and particularly the role of the ANZACs in that restoration, and has published a book, documentary DVD and pamphlets on the subject.
The Crombie family has relocated back to Perth, Western Australia, and is available to speak about his work in Israel, and the unique relationship between Australia & New Zealand and Israel.