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Paperback, 172 pages

Price: £9.00

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Ingathering of Israel

A Life Called to Miraculously Help Jewish People Return to Their Homeland

Author: Esther Lever

Product code: B441

Divine intervention, angelic help and God moving in power are all part of this inspiring, even courageous story of how He used the latter part of Esther's life to help bring Jewish people back to Israel in fulfilment of ancient Biblical prophecy.

We never know what amazing adventures God has in store for us as we respond in obedience to His calling. 
Flying in old Russian helicopters and planes in a war zone, sleeping under kitchen tables, and dodging shadowy figures that were following her - would all seem a long way away from Esther’s ordinary life lived in England, especially at an age most retire to a quiet life. 
But when God calls someone to something as dramatic as helping Jewish people return to Israel from the remote regions of the former Soviet Union, miracles are never far away.
Throughout this book you will come to know how God can speak dramatically into any person's life and take them into places one could never imagine. 

About the Author

Esther Lever

Esther Lever became a Christian as a child around 1946. Having a wide knowledge of prophetic Scripture, she taught in churches and fellowships in many places about the purposes of God for Israel. Esther was the Thames Regional Representative for Ebenezer Operation Exodus.
Esther went to be with the Lord towards the end of 2018.