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PAL, 423 minutes

Price: £36.00

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is currently unavailable

Kingdom Living (DVD)

Learning To Walk With God

Author: John Garr

Product code: S131

In this teaching series Dr. John Garr answers four key questions: What has God always wanted from His people? How can we know that God is with us? How does walking with God reveal true discipleship? How can you walk with God in family and community?

Click on the following titles to view a brief sample of that session: 

These messages are from the ’Kingdom Living Conference’ in Belsey Bridge.

The set also contains a CD-ROM which holds the extensive notes for each of the teaching sessions in PDF format which can be printed out as paper copies.

Residents outside of the UK and Europe can purchase John Garr’s resources at

About the Author

John Garr

Founder and president of Hebraic Heritage Christian Center, an international, trans-denominational, multi-ethnic networking organisation that serves as an educational resource to the entire Christian Church.

An academician with a pastor's heart, Dr. Garr is able to contextualise biblical truths in terms that laypersons can understand. He challenges believers to a biblically sound Christocentric faith that is grounded in the Hebraic heritage of Jesus and the apostles.

Click here to see a brief introduction of Dr. Garr's ministry