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Life From the Dead (MP3)
CFI-UK 25th Anniversary Annual Conference 2010
Author: John Garr
Product code: MPS109
As one of the two keynote speakers at CFI-UK's 2010 Annual Celebration, Dr. Garr shared two timely and challenging messages on the second day of the 25th Anniversary gathering.
- Life From The Dead
- Unequivocally Pro-Israel
About the Author
John Garr
Founder and president of Hebraic Heritage Christian Center, an international, trans-denominational, multi-ethnic networking organisation that serves as an educational resource to the entire Christian Church.
An academician with a pastor's heart, Dr. Garr is able to contextualise biblical truths in terms that laypersons can understand. He challenges believers to a biblically sound Christocentric faith that is grounded in the Hebraic heritage of Jesus and the apostles.
Click here to see a brief introduction of Dr. Garr's ministry