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Paperback, 285 pages.

Price: £12.00

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Listening to the Jewish Jesus

How a first-century Rabbi still speaks to us today

Author: Paul Luckraft

Product code: B539

Listening to the Jewish Jesus explores the Hebraic nature of the teaching of Jesus and shows how a first-centruy rabbi spoke to other Jews of the time and in particular taught His disciples. Jesus used many Hebraic idioms, expressions commonly used in one language but which make less sense in another. Someone outside the culture or who is not a native speaker can easily be confused. A better grasp of such Hebraisms within the gospels will greatly improve our understanding of what Jesus is saying to us.

This book will help those who teach the Bible as well as provide a companion for anyone wanting to read the gospels more accurately and follow Jesus more closely.

About the Author

Paul Luckraft

Paul Luckraft is an experienced Bible teacher, fully involved in his local evangelical church in Buckinghamshire. He holds a first class degree in Theology and is also the author of The Wall and the Word, lessons from the book of Nehemiah.