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Mountains of Israel, The
Author: Norma Archbold
Product code: B89
A thought provoking outline of what the Bible says about the hill country of Judea and Samaria - the disputed territories of the West Bank. Biblical passages and modern day fulfilments are put in context in a book that every believer should read.
"...the most precise informative and enlightening book I have read on the subject of Israel!"
Mrs Freda Lindsay - Co-Founder of Christ for the Nations, Inc
"We were so impressed...that we sent copies to all our members of parliament and to the Prime Minister of Canada"
Rev Bernice Gerard - Cross Canada TV and National Chairman of the Canadian Friends of ICEJ
"I encourage every believer to read this book."
Zola Levitt, Zola Levitt Presents
"Up until now I have heard bits and pieces about the Arab-Israeli conflict. This is the first time I have seen the whole picture."
Trish Baron, Australia
About the Author
Norma Archbold
Norma Archbold served the LORD in Jerusalem and the west bank from 1989 to 1996 where she provided free Bibles for Arabs, arranged for emergency aid to Christians, and fought for high standards of truth in the media, as well as for the release of new believers jailed and tortured by the PA.