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214 minutes

Price: £9.00

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Mystery of Israel, The (CD)

Author: Lance Lambert

Product code: CDS17

Has God finished with Israel? Is the modern State of Israel just a political accident? Does Israel have a divine destiny and purpose? What does the Bible have to say about these matters? Lance has the answers.

Lance Lambert, a well-known Bible teacher and expositor, who has lived in Israel for over 30 years, looks at these questions and asks us to approach them with an open mind and heart and to hear what God`s view is on the matter of Israel.

  • Modern Israel & the New Testament (70 minutes)
  • Modern Israel & the Old Testament (77 minutes)
  • Israel - God`s Battle Axe (Jeremiah 51) (67 minutes)

About the Author

Lance Lambert

Lance Lambert is one of the most distinguished Bible scholars and speakers in Israel today, and has an itinerant teaching ministry worldwide. Born in 1931, Lance grew up in Richmond, Surrey, and came to know the Lord at twelve years of age. Having discovered his Jewish ancestry, Lance became an Israeli citizen in 1980 and now has his home next to the Old City of Jerusalem. His father and many members of his family died in the Holocaust.

Lance Lambert produces a widely-appreciated audio recording called the Middle East Update (available via subscription from CFI-UK), which gives his unique perspective on current events in the Middle East, in the light of God�s Word. He has written numerous books and is presenter of the DVD video production, Jerusalem, the Covenant City.