Bill Clinton Recalls Arab Rejection

During a Kamala Harris rally in the US state of Michigan on Wednesday, Bill Clinton recalled a very difficult time during his presidency.

Struggling to cope with his emotions at times, because he poured much time and effort into negotiating a very positive offer for a Palestinian state – an offer approved by the Israeli prime minister and his cabinet – Clinton recalled the Palestinians rejecting it.

Despite the offer giving the Palestinians estate on 96 percent of the area called ‘The West Bank’ and 4 percent of Israel – despite including a capital in East Jerusalem – the Palestinians rejected the offer.

Clinton went on to say:

‘I think part of it is that Hamas did not care about a homeland for the Palestinians.
They wanted to kill Israelis and make Israel uninhabitable.’

History shows the rejection of that offer was just one of many occasions on which the Arab peoples of the Middle East have rejected an offer of their own state alongside the State of Israel.

Bill Clinton’s view is almost certainly the reason Hamas are now stubbornly refusing all ceasefire offers.