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Road to the Holocaust, The
A Brief Survey of the History of Christian Anti-Semitism
Author: Derek White
Product code: BT16
A historical overview of the Church`s hostile attitude to the Jewish people, and how it contributed to the Nazi `Final Solution`. Christians must be aware of this sad history and therefore relate to Jewish people in a sensitive and understanding way.
Sadly, the majority are unaware of how badly the Church has related to the Jewish people. Although its founder is a Jew, the apostles and early Church all Jewish, and although deeply indebted to the Jewish people for their Scriptures and heritage, the Church, early in her history, developed anti-Jewish attitudes which have been expressed down the centuries in the most appalling manner.
The thesis of this presentation, which has been presented by many others, is that these attitudes, terrible in themselves, also prepared the ground for the Nazi holocaust which occasioned the death in Europe, in appalling circumstances, of some six million Jewish men, women and children.
About the Author
Derek White
Worked as a chemist/analyst in the chemical industry for 25 years before entering pastoral ministry in a local church in Surrey. After being the UK director of the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem from 1981 to 1985 he went on to help found Christian Friends of Israel in December 1985, and he served as the Director of CFI-UK until the end of May 2001. He visited Israel over 50 times in connection with the work of CFI, and since his retirement continues to visit the Land on a regular basis to meet with and encourage Believers in Yeshua/Jesus across all sections of Israel`s population. He is a prolific writer on issues relating to Israel and the Hebraic roots of Christianity.