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A Different God?

A Different God?

Dwight Pryor
Price: £2.50
A History of Christian Zionism in Britain

A History of Christian Zionism in Britain

Dr James Patrick
Price: £3.00
A Nation Called by God

A Nation Called by God

Price: £2.50
An Arab State in Palestine

An Arab State in Palestine

Roy Thurley
Price: £3.00
Ancient Gods, Lebanon and Israel, The

Ancient Gods, Lebanon and Israel, The

Derek White
Price: £2.00
Arabs & God`s Redemptive Strategy, The

Arabs & God`s Redemptive Strategy, The

Derek White
Price: £3.00
Celebration of Passover, A

Celebration of Passover, A

Derek White
Price: £2.50
Challenging UK`s Voting Record at the UN

Challenging UK`s Voting Record at the UN

Price: £2.50
Christians, Israel and the Struggle for Peace

Christians, Israel and the Struggle for Peace

Geoffrey Smith
Price: £3.00
Covenant Steps

Covenant Steps

Jacob Vince
Price: £3.00
Crimes Against Humanity

Crimes Against Humanity

David Soakell
Price: £3.00
For Zion`s Sake

For Zion`s Sake

Carl Kinbar
Price: £2.00
From Passover to Easter

From Passover to Easter

Derek White
Price: £4.00
From Shavuot to Pentecost

From Shavuot to Pentecost

Derek White
Price: £3.00
God`s Land of Israel

God`s Land of Israel

Jacob Vince
Price: £3.00
God`s Purposes for Israel and the Church

God`s Purposes for Israel and the Church

Geoffrey Smith
Price: £1.50
Grounded - The Promised Land in the New Testament

Grounded - The Promised Land in the New Testament

Chuck Cohen
Price: £3.00
Holy! Holy! Holy!

Holy! Holy! Holy!

Dwight Pryor
Price: £2.00
Inclusion versus Replacement

Inclusion versus Replacement

Daniel C. Juster
Price: £3.00
Intercession - Called to Be Watchmen

Intercession - Called to Be Watchmen

Lance Lambert
Price: £2.00
Israel 70 for 70

Israel 70 for 70

Price: £2.50
Israel and the Gospel

Israel and the Gospel

Derek White
Price: £3.00
Israel In The Bible

Israel In The Bible

Derek White
Price: £2.00
Jerusalem Time Line

Jerusalem Time Line

Rose Publishing
Price: £4.00
Jesus the Rabbi - Was He Orthodox?

Jesus the Rabbi - Was He Orthodox?

David Bivin
Price: £2.00
Jewish Connection, The

Jewish Connection, The

Derek White
Price: £2.00
Jewish Wedding & the Lord`s Return, The

Jewish Wedding & the Lord`s Return, The

Pam Bird
Price: £3.00
Jewishness of Jesus, The

Jewishness of Jesus, The

Derek White
Price: £2.50
Jews of Medieval England, The

Jews of Medieval England, The

John Smith
Price: £2.00
Kesher Student Guide

Kesher Student Guide

John Smith, Christian Friends of Israel UK, Roy Thurley
Price: £2.50
Kesher Student Guide (5 or more)

Kesher Student Guide (5 or more)

Christian Friends of Israel UK, John Smith, Roy Thurley
Price: £2.00
Knowing Israel's History

Knowing Israel's History

Naomi Benari, Hugh Kitson, Derek White, David Pileggi
Price: £3.00
Land Where Jesus Lived, The

Land Where Jesus Lived, The

Jacob Vince
Price: £3.00
Matter of Facts, A

Matter of Facts, A

Nonie Darwish, Geoffrey Smith, Stan Goodenough
Price: £3.00
Middle East Christians

Middle East Christians

Daniel Pipes, Geoffrey Smith
Price: £1.50
Modern Israel and Its Treatment of Minorities

Modern Israel and Its Treatment of Minorities

Shadi Khalloul
Price: £3.50
Our Father in Heaven

Our Father in Heaven

Dwight Pryor
Price: £2.00
Our Jewish Heritage

Our Jewish Heritage

Mendel Nunn, Derek White
Price: £3.00
Palestine: Its Origins

Palestine: Its Origins

Meir Abelson
Price: £2.50
Patterns and Principles of Jewish Prayer

Patterns and Principles of Jewish Prayer

Dwight Pryor
Price: £2.00
Plain Man`s Guide to the Middle East Conflict, A

Plain Man`s Guide to the Middle East Conflict, A

Steve Maltz
Price: £2.00
Replacement Theology

Replacement Theology

Derek White
Price: £3.00
Road to the Holocaust, The

Road to the Holocaust, The

Derek White
Price: £3.00
Scriptures Proclaiming Israel`s Destiny

Scriptures Proclaiming Israel`s Destiny

Irish Christian Friends of Israel
Price: £3.00
Service of Recollection - Holocaust Memorial Day

Service of Recollection - Holocaust Memorial Day

Christian Friends of Israel UK
Price: £2.00
Setting the Record Straight

Setting the Record Straight

Eliyahu Ben-Haim
Price: £3.00
Synagogue in the Time of Jesus, The

Synagogue in the Time of Jesus, The

Derek White
Price: £3.00
Tabernacles and Messiah`s Coming

Tabernacles and Messiah`s Coming

Derek White
Price: £3.00
Text and Context Student Guide

Text and Context Student Guide

Desi Maxwell
Price: £2.50
Text and Context Student Guide (5 or more)

Text and Context Student Guide (5 or more)

Desi Maxwell
Price: £2.00
Was Jesus a Palestinian?

Was Jesus a Palestinian?

Jacob Vince
Price: £3.00
What Is The Biblical Hebrew Calendar?

What Is The Biblical Hebrew Calendar?

Rosemary Bamber
Price: £2.50
Where is the Land of Palestine?

Where is the Land of Palestine?

Derek White
Price: £1.50