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14 panel (7 double-sided) foldout glossy Pamphlet

Price: £4.00

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Twelve Tribes of Israel

Author: Rose Publishing

Product code: BT121

The 12 Tribes of Israel: Colours, Symbols and Fascinating Facts

The children of Israel belonged to one of 12 tribes, based on their ancestry. Each tribe had its own history, land, and heritage and each was given a particular blessing or prophecy. The Twelve Tribes of Israel pamphlet gives the cultural and historical background, along with a map and a timeline of key events.

This pamphlet gives you key information at a glance and will enrich your understanding of the 12 Tribes of Israel and add depth to any Old Testament study.

  • A quick overview of each tribe`s meaning, symbol, size, family history, location, and more.
  • Simple summary of Jacob`s blessing, Moses` blessing, and other key events related to each tribe.
  • Which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.
  • Family Tree of Jacob (Israel).
  • Tabernacle diagram showing where each of the 12 tribes encamped around the Tabernacle.
  • Time Line showing key events, starting with Abraham`s journey from Haran.
  • Easy-to-read, full-color map showing how the "promised land" was divided amongst each of the 12 tribes according to their inheritance. 

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About the Author

Rose Publishing

Rose Publishing is a Christian publisher with a mission to help people grow in their faith by creating products that help people understand the Bible and give Christian solutions to life`s problems. Rose Publishing started with two "Then and Now" Bible Maps in 1991 and a dream to make Bible teachings and basic Christian beliefs understandable to everyone. They expanded their line to Christian living topics that help people find the joy of growing through the good news of Jesus Christ. Rose Publishing creates full-color products (award-winning books, wall charts, pamphlets, DVD-based curriculum, and PowerPoints). They are designed for personal, church, small group, and school use, and are packed with easy-to-understand diagrams, illustrations, maps, photos, charts, and time lines to bring Christian teachings to life.