A Guide to Intercessory Prayer for the month of September 2024 ~ Jewish Year 5784
`I will stand upon my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what he will say to me,
and what I will answer.` (Habakkuk 2:1)
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“Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Isaiah 53:1)
The last few months have been beyond trying for Israel, yet I start by reminding us that the God of Israel has the final word in all matters, not just Israel, but for all nations. Many words are being exchanged across the spiritual stratosphere concerning the land of Israel and its inhabitants, but God is watching over his word to perform it– none of what he has spoken will return void. The threat of an all-out attack from Iran and Hezbollah loomed over Israel for weeks, many were captivated by the “rhetoric” of the enemy waiting for the enemy’s “strike”. In ancient Greece, the Greeks feared the god named Pan, who would cause people to “panic” without just cause. This panic is at work nowadays. Scripture admonishes us to, “Wait on the Lord” (Isaiah 40:31), yet many were waiting on the enemy.
We have a choice on where we plant our “mental stakes” in challenging times. We must keep our focus on the Lord. Magnify him and his might, his power, and his faithfulness, not the enemy or his taunts. Israel’s leaders are working hard to dismantle strongholds of the axis of terror, and we thank God for his grace and the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous, because for over a month, the enemy has not been able to initiate a major attack against Israel! “The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Psalm 118:6). Keep praying!
The Islamic Iranian regime and its proxies of Hezbollah and a significantly battered Hamas, along with other nations of Russia, China, Turkey, and Syria, have openly joined to conspire together against the welfare of Israel. It is reminiscent of the coalition found in 2 Kings 18-19 when the King of Assyria sent his coalition of henchmen to threaten Israel’s king Hezekiah with impending destruction for Israel. Then, Rav-Shakeh, lead spokesman for the enemy’s camp, spoke brazenly against Israel, chiding them for putting their confidence in anything or anyone to deliver them from their fate of siege and subjugation. Rav-Shakeh asked, “On what are you basing this confidence of yours? You say you have the counsel and the might for war – but you speak only empty words. On whom are you depending, that you rebel against me?” (2 Kings 18:19-20). Is this not the very same spirit behind the insolent threats coming from Iran and its co-conspirators today?
We read in 2 Kings 19 of how upon hearing these threats, King Hezekiah went to the Lord in humble, fervent, and travailing prayer – a prayer God heard. The enemy’s taunt was not just against the people, but against God – as it is today. Iran’s war (futile as it is) is not only against Israel, but against God. Imagine today (it’s not hard), the president of Iran saying to Netanyahu, “Do not let the god you depend on deceive you when he says, ‘Jerusalem will not be given into the hands of the king ...” (2 Kings 19:10). The enemy in Hezekiah’s day knew the God of Israel had a reputation, though they don’t explicitly proclaim it, and those plotting the downfall of Israel today know they have to contend with this people and their God.
What was God’s final word concerning the Assyrian threat in 2 Kings 18-19? Through the prophet Isaiah, God sent word to Hezekiah saying, “I will defend this city and save it, for my sake and for the sake of David my servant” (2 Kings 19:34). That night, God struck down 185,000 in the enemy’s camp. But God does not delight in anyone perishing without the knowledge of his way of salvation. So, we must remember to pray for our enemies to wake up and repent of thinking that is anti-God and thereby anti-Semitic.
September marks the end of the Hebrew calendar year when people begin to prepare for the High Holiday season and new year marked by Rosh Hashanah. It’s hard to imagine almost a year has passed since the horribly tragic Simchat Torah of 2023 that fell on that Black Sabbath of October 7th. Let us maintain much intercessory prayer for the Jewish people as they face the coming days of reflection, remembrance, and repentance, with wounds still open from this ongoing war. Only the grace of God found in Yeshua can sustain them, for he is grace and truth (see John 1:17).
Thank you for the love with which you uphold our CFI Jerusalem team in prayer and support to comfort Zion.
Project Coordinator – Wall of Prayer
Christian Friends of Israel – Jerusalem (UK edited version)
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Thank the Lord for his blessing upon Jacob and volunteers Michael and Isabella running our CFI UK Resources Stall at Creation Fest in Cornwall for the first time. Arrangements worked well and 39 people subscribed to various items in our range of publications (including this prayer letter).
Our new Finance Officer, Sibo, seems to be settling into her role steadily with much help from Alina. Keeping accurate accounts of all our activities is a complicated task. So, please continue to pray for them both.
Preparations for the third quarter trustees’ meeting went well, apart from a delay with delivery of one set of papers. Ask our Lord to give the trustees wisdom and discernment regarding the priorities for our small team of staff; and seek the Lord’s blessing upon implementation of the decisions that were made at this meeting in August.
Final preparations are now under way for the CFI UK Annual Conference in Eastbourne, Friday 27th - Saturday 28th September. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for all members of our team so that we do not miss anything, in particular with parking arrangements, which look more difficult this year. Pray too for the leaders and volunteers from Suncoast Church, Eastbourne, who provide much support for these conferences. And do join us if you can!
The Awaken Christian festival in Lincolnshire is under way as we write this, so we do not have an update available yet. Everything was set up well, having good conversations with fellow exhibitors, a good atmosphere, and exhibition hall managers who were both helpful and encouraging.
Thank the Lord for a good interview last month for a part-time staff member in the new role of assisting in digital and social media, youth link development, and exhibition representation, to commence 1st October 2024. More details to follow in next month’s Watchman’s prayer letter.
Two team members have leave booked early in September, please pray for much-needed refreshment and relaxation. Thank you for your prayers.