A Guide to Intercessory Prayer for the month of January 2025 ~ Jewish Year 5784/5785

 `I will stand upon my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what he will say to me,
and what I will answer.` (Habakkuk 2:1)

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Trojan Horses Among Us

“With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him” (Daniel 11:32).

It’s 2025!  We welcome a new year on the Gregorian calendar with hope, expectation, and admittedly – great wonder – trusting God with how this year will unfold according to his redemptive purposes and plans.  We’re living in unprecedented times that continue to set the stage for the fulfilment of biblical prophecy.  Our days call for a mature Bride, willing not only to walk by faith for the exciting aspects of victory over our enemies, but also an understanding that these victories are only temporal (see Philippians 3:13).  There are trials coming that are meant to refine, purify, and cleanse us, “until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time” (Daniel 11:35).  In the days ahead, our trust and discernment will either be sharpened or dulled depending upon where we choose to put our trust.  What may seem like ‘spiritual attacks’ will actually be God’s loving providence of making us ready for the return of his Son.

The year 2024 saw so much shifting and shaking centred in Jerusalem, rippling out to the nations – and 2025 may be no different.  Israel has just experienced arguably the most trying year in its modern history, juxtaposed with the fall of the totalitarian Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad’s family after 61 oppressive years.  Assad was overthrown by Islamic rebels led by former Al Qaeda jihadist, Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani, who now claims to be moderate and doesn’t want war with Israel.  Israel’s year-long campaigns against Iran’s terror proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis in Yemen, were successful in destabilising the fragile unity once held by the ‘Axis of Terror’ in the Middle East.  Hamas had hoped to be joined in its war against Israel, but instead, its power has been shattered and they are negotiating for a ceasefire in exchange for returning hostages.

Add to this the geopolitical shifting and shaking happening in the United States, with President-elect Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration for his second term, a possible breakthrough for ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine war, rumblings in South Korea, Turkey, China, Taiwan and a long list of rumours as players jockey for eschatological positions (see Zechariah 12:3).  Oh, and Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, happens to be on trial for alleged corruption, requiring depositions for six hours a day, three days a week, while trying to manage a country in the middle of a seven-front war.  Though there is massive growth happening in the Church in countries like Iran and other remote places, there are also scandals rocking it in the West, as multiple prominent church figures face allegations of moral failure on varying levels.

Chapter 11 of the Book of Daniel speaks of a coming time when some people who know the God of Israel and have discernment will stumble, but “they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them” (Daniel 11:34).  This stumbling will not be to harm them, but for their good; the result being “they may be refined, purified and made spotless” (Daniel 11:35).  We’re living those times, but “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

Briefly, in the Greek story of the 10-year Trojan War, the people of Troy foolishly thought the warring Greeks had given up and left them a gift of an enormous wooden horse on their shores.  This enormous horse wasn’t a peace offering, it was simply a decoy – a diversion with an estimated 30 of the finest sword-wielding warriors in its belly, ready to pounce on their unsuspecting enemy.  There was one seer named Laocoön who warned leaders not to trust or accept this strange offering, but he was ignored to the chagrin of ancient Troy.  The people rolled the horse into the city and overnight the hidden soldiers climbed out, descended upon the town, took up their ambush positions and laid siege to Troy – gaining victory.

Many Trojan horses are among us today and more may be taking their places.  The Bible speaks of the last days being rampant with false teachers, false prophets, false Messiahs, etc. (see Matthew 24:11), and not all who claim to come in peace will have sincere intentions.  There are nations, leaders, friends, and entities that are being positioned to test our faith.  “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7).  “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17).

As we pray for our leaders, entrusting them to the sovereign authority of God, we are mindful we have only one promise-keeping God and King.  It is by his grace alone we stand.  May our fervent (i.e. passionate, intense, glowing, hot, wholehearted, earnest) prayers, accompanied by kingdom exploits in the nations, make this a truly remarkable year (see Joel 2:32).

Persevering in Prayer:

Thank God for keeping Israel and all his people in every season.  “A prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations” (Psalm 90:1).

Ask God for a fresh outpouring of his Spirit in the new year, to be alert and zealous for the fulfilment of all God’s redemptive purposes for Israel and the nations.  “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams” (Acts 2:17).

Entreat the Lord for wisdom and sharpened discernment concerning the last days – truth sets the faithful free.  “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the protection of Jews worldwide, wisdom for Israel’s leaders, and for all the hostages to come home! “And in this way all Israel will be saved. As it is written: ‘The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob’” (Romans 11:26).

The Lord makes all things beautiful in his time, and he is making his people rise and shine when it is needed the most – in this redefining moment in history.  According to Daniel 12:10, may we all be wise and discerning, helping many to come to his light and mercy.  Wishing you a victorious and peaceful year ahead in our Messiah Yeshua.



Suzie Georges

Project Coordinator – Wall of Prayer
Christian Friends of Israel – Jerusalem (UK edited version)

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CFI UK News and Prayer items

This year is the 40th anniversary of Christian Friends of Israel, which was founded in December 1985.  We began with a few key individuals from the UK, France and the USA coming together with the desire to bless Israel and serve the Church.  Shortly following this, to assist in expressing Christian friendship in Israel and processing gifts to areas of need in Israel, the CFI Jerusalem office was inaugurated.  We thank God for inspiring its formation, for sustaining and growing ways we can express Christian friendship of Israel, as well as encouraging understanding in the Church.

We are pleased to learn from Shalom Tours that the UK Government has lifted its travel advisory to all of Israel.  Whilst some areas are advised against, all areas covered by their tours are clear of restriction.  So please pray as we look to plan a CFI UK 40th Anniversary Tour of Israel, thanking God and celebrating together with CFI in Jerusalem.  We are tentatively looking at late October, early November.

Our residential CFI UK Prayer Conference is coming up on Tuesday 18th – Thursday 20th March at King’s Park, Northampton.  Please do consider joining us and ask God to make our time of prayer and sharing of strategic impact in his purposes for Israel and the UK, as we learn from the book recording the times of Ezra and Nehemiah, who met the challenges of their generation through prayer and action.

We attended several in-person events in 2024 alongside the UK Jewish community, as well as joining others online.  We particularly value working alongside Jewish community groups and being together in person, especially as we seek to show support and Christian friendship.  Pray the Lord will open up the right opportunities and partnerships this year.

Many Holocaust memorial events take place in January, with CFI UK staff and links involved in planning and participation.  Pray for safety, technicalities and contributors, but above all that we express well our ongoing Christian friendship of Israel and the UK Jewish community.

So, as we start this new year, we look to the hope of Israel for inspiration and strength.  Thank you for your faithful prayerful support,

The CFI UK Team