Our ministry has two main points of focus:

1. Blessing Israel

We seek to break down barriers and build bridges of genuine friendship with Israel and the UK Jewish community. Relationship leads to reconciliation and mutual understanding. Today as anti-Semitism again rises world-wide, Israel and Jewish people are deeply touched by Christian solidarity and support.

We help Christians to bless Israel by:

  • Encouraging informed prayer
    With regular prayer letters and resources, a weekly prayer line and broadcast, the Wall of Prayer project etc.
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  • Channelling support to projects in Israel
    Helping holocaust survivors and new immigrants, terror victims and the poor and needy, Jewish and Palestinian children, Christian believers in Israel, etc., in the name of Jesus.
    More ...
  • Joint events with the UK Jewish community
    At national and local level, for Lobby days in parliament, Holocaust Memorial Days, solidarity meetings, Israel Independence celebrations, etc
  • Taking tours to Israel
    CFI staff promote selected tours to Israel each year.
  • Providing accurate news from the Middle East
    Countering misinformation and propaganda with truthful reporting from Christians on the spot.

2. Serving The Church

Making the connection - in previous generations many Christians understood the importance of Israel`s restoration in God`s Kingdom purposes and actively promoted it, today this legacy has largely been lost. There is great ignorance, impoverishing the churches. CFI helps Christians understand the biblical relationship between Israel and the Church and reconnect with the Hebraic roots of their faith (Romans 11:16-18). We also seek to give a truthful and balanced perspective on events in the Middle East and be a prophetic voice bringing `understanding of the times`.

We accomplish this through:

  • Publications
    Sign up for our free quarterly magazine and monthly prayer letter, or check out other publications in our online shop.
  • Resources including books, videos, teaching tapes, Hebrew learning, the Kesher Course... CFI has the largest selection of resources on Israel and Hebraic roots in the UK. View our catalogue online or write for a free copy.
  • Teaching Conferences and Ministry Tours
    With international speakers on Israel or the Hebraic background to the New Testament
  • Regional seminars and workshops
    Learn about God`s purposes for Israel, and how to communicate this message. Why not invite us to visit your church, or to hold a day seminar in your town?
  • Regional Links
    We have a number of people in different parts of the UK who are there to serve you in their area. Contact us for further details.
  • Church Links
    We also have individuals in many churches who handle CFI materials just for their own fellowship.
  • Working together with others
    We are part of Love Never Fails, an umbrella organisation bringing together over twenty ministries in the UK who understand God`s purposes for Israel, to spread this message at Christian events nationwide.